Peta Symons
Introducing the enigmatic force behind the pseudonym Peta Tron - a visionary artist and master storyteller who paints with the colors of imagination and weaves tales that transcend reality itself. Delving into the depths of fantasy, horror, and science fiction, Peta Tron's creations are gateways to realms where the mundane meets the magical.

Their arsenal of artistic mediums reads like a spellbook: from digital wizardry to the ancient alchemy of gouache and the fluid dance of watercolors. Textiles become tapestries of dreams, and the canvas is a portal to otherworldly landscapes teeming with creatures both wondrous and terrifying.

Driven by a fascination with the mysteries of the animal kingdom, Peta Tron's art is a menagerie of fantastical beings and ethereal landscapes, where every stroke tells a story and every image whispers secrets of unseen worlds.

Both formally and informally trained in the arts and fueled by an insatiable hunger for knowledge, Peta Tron's creative journey knows no bounds. Their philosophy? Art should be a universal language, a beacon of inclusivity guiding us through the labyrinth of imagination.

But Peta Tron is not merely an artist; they are a mythmaker, a world-builder, a bard of the bizarre. From the pages of their zines and comics emerge narratives that ensnare the mind and transport readers to realms beyond imagining.

In a constant dance of innovation and exploration, Peta Tron pushes the boundaries of their craft, forever seeking new techniques and mediums to breathe life into their visions. Through their art, they invite us to join them on a journey into the unknown, where curiosity reigns supreme, and wonder awaits at every turn.
Peta Symons
Cartooning/Graphic Novel, Illustration/Drawing, Mixed Media, Painting, Paper, Photography, Printmaking, Textiles
Zine making and self publishing, stenciling
I have played and performed in bands before however this is no longer part of my arts practice. I am quite comfortable in front of a crowd.
Fiction Author
Workshops/demonstrations/master-classes/presentations, Social media services, Public art projects, Exhibitions, Commercial commissions, Curating
Adults, Businesses, Families, General public, Men, Women, Young people
Spontaneous Assembly Gallery and Studio - Co-founder and Board Member
Raglan Street Gallery - Board Member
Bachelor of Creative Arts (Major in Visual Art, Minor in Creative Writing)
First year of Bachelor of Illustration (currently deferred)
Diploma of Clothing and Textiles
May 23, 2024
May 23, 2024
May 23, 2024
May 23, 2024
May 23, 2024
May 23, 2024
May 23, 2024
May 23, 2024
May 23, 2024